DigitalFriend Blog

April 2015

General Call for Papers: People-Oriented Programming

Mon, 13 Apr 2015 22:20:15 +1000

By: gosh'at' (Steve Goschnick)

********************* CALL FOR PAPERS *********************

Deadline: Friday, 15th May 2015

International Journal of People-Oriented Programming (IJPOP) ISSN: 2156-1796, EISSN: 2156-1788

Official publication of the Information Resources Management Association


Adj. Prof. Steve Goschnick, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia &
Prof. Leon Sterling, Pro Vice Chancellor (Digital Frontiers), Swinburne University of Technology, Australia
Published: Semi-annual (both in Print and Electronic form) In this first issue of Volume 4 of IJPOP we are seeking papers reporting on original, interesting and timely research from within these topics:

that have a particular focus on people-oriented. This is our first general-themed issue after several Special Issues, so please write and submit a paper around any of the above IJPOP topics.

Mission of IJPOP:

The International Journal of People-Oriented Programming (IJPOP) is cross-discipline in range yet singularly focused on empowering individuals to conceptualise, design, program, configure and orchestrate Internet-powered mashups, game mods (modifications), aggregate and structure personal media and build standalone cloud-based and client-side applications (on smartphones, netbooks, laptops, desktops, home network and novel appliances) – into self-fashioned tools and products that ultimately suit the user's own unique needs and aspirations. Other individuals may well take up such apps, mods and mashups for themselves, further customising, enhancing and embellishing them, or they may in part be used in a social or family context (to the benefit of the collective aspirations of those Social Worlds of which the individual is a part) – nonetheless, the focus of composition, development and customisation is on a product for oneself, upon theory, concepts, techniques, methodologies and ultimately tools that service a market-of-one. Our mission is to be the first journal that comes to mind to academics and practitioners alike and remain the best with regard to all aspects of People-Oriented Programming. Our papers and reviews will be insightful and compelling to both educators and researchers, and often to a wider audience too – the people for whom this paradigm of software development has come about.

International Editorial Review Board:

  • Dr. Sandrine Balbo, Medibank, Australia
  • Prof. David Benyon, Edinburgh Napier University, UK
  • Prof. Birgit Bomsdorf, Fulda University, Germany
  • Ass. Prof. Lawrence Cavedon, RMIT University, Australia
  • Prof. Erik Champion, Curtin University, Australia
  • Prof. Karin Coninx, Hasselt University, Belgium
  • Prof. Larry Constantine, University of Madeira, Portugal
  • Ass. Prof. Virginia Dignum, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
  • Dr. Anke Dittmar, University of Rostock, Germany
  • Prof. Alan Dix, University of Birmingham, UK
  • Dr. Rod Farmer, Visual Jazz Isobar, Australia
  • Prof. Geraldine Fitzpatrick, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
  • Prof. Peter Forbrig, Rostock University, Germany
  • Dr. Martin Gibbs, University of Melbourne, Australia
  • Prof. Patrick Girard, LISI, Ensma, France
  • Dr. Judith Good, University of Sussex, UK
  • Prof. Michael N. Huhns, University of South Carolina, USA
  • Prof. Christophe Kolski, University of Valenciennes, France
  • Prof. Ryszard Kowalczyk, Swinburne University, Australia
  • Prof. Jiming Liu, Hong Kong Baptist University
  • Prof. Kris Luyten, Hasselt University, Belgium
  • Prof. Philippe Palanque, University Paul Sabatier, France
  • Dr. Fabio Paterno, CNR, Italy
  • Ass. Prof. Philippe Pasquier, Simon Fraser University, Canada
  • Dr. John Rooksby, University of Glasgow, UK
  • Dr. Mark Rouncefield, Lancaster University, UK
  • Dr. Dominique Scapin, INRIA, France
  • Prof. Graeme Shanks, University of Melbourne, Australia
  • Prof. Ian Sommerville, University of St Andrews, UK
  • Prof. Ulrike Spierling, University of Applied Sciences, Germany
  • Prof. Constantine Stephanidis, ICS, Greece
  • Prof. Christian Stary, Kepler University, Linz, Austria
  • Prof. Kuldar Taveter, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia
  • Peter J. Wild, Independent Researcher, UK
  • Prof. Gerrit van der Veer, Open University, NL
  • Associate Editors

    Dr. Connor Graham, National University of Singapore, Singapore
    Ass. Professor Yusuf Pisan, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
    Prof. Aaron Quigley, University of St Andrews, UK
    Dr. Christine Sun,, Australia
    Dr. Daniel Sinnig, Concordia University, Canada


    Prospective authors should note that only original and previously unpublished articles will be considered. INTERESTED AUTHORS MUST CONSULT THE JOURNAL’S GUIDELINES FOR MANUSCRIPT SUBMISSIONS at PRIOR TO SUBMISSION. All article submissions will be forwarded to at least 3 members of the Editorial Review Board of the journal for double-blind, peer review. Final decision regarding acceptance/revision/rejection will be based on the reviews received from the reviewers. All submissions must be forwarded electronically to:


    The International Journal of People-Oriented Programming (IJPOP) is published by IGI Global, publisher of the “Information Science Reference”, “Medical Information Science Reference”, “Business Science Reference”, and “Engineering Science Reference” imprints. For additional information regarding the publisher, please visit

    For immediate notifications of this journal’s newest issues, subscribe to the RSS feeds below. RSS allows for you to access links to each of the article’s web pages and share those links with your colleagues via email. For more information on RSS Readers, feel free to contact me.

    FaceBook Page:

    We are also seeking interesting opinion pieces and book reviews related to the topics above, with an emphasis on People-Oriented Programming.

    All enquiries and submissions should be directed to the attention of:

    Steve Goschnick
    International Journal of People-Oriented Programming

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